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Ejectors: Examples of application

An ejector is used to achieve a vacuum without using moving parts. It works on the Venturi effect principle. The ejector is an industrial device used in several applications and is particularly well suited for suction and compression operations of gazes or liquids.

puceQuick vacuum in a high volume chamber

  • Startup Ejector
Example of startup Ejector

Set a vacuum within a 5100 m3 chamber under 150mBar abs in 40 minutes .

puceMaintain an installation under vacuum

  • Multi levels Vacuum groups
- In combination with condensers:

When the compression rate is higher, it is necessary to provide several ejectors in series with intermediate condensers.


Two levels Vacuum group with intermediate and final condensers' tubes - Aspiration of 210 Kg/h of air and hydrocarbons at 110 mbar abs.

- In combination with liquid ring pumps

Air ejector allowing to set up a low suction pressure and avoids pump cavitations. Steam Ejector allowing to reach lower pressures up to 0,3 mBar abs (See Vapydro)

pucePriming centrifugal pumps

The ejector is mounted on a buffer tank and ensure the vacuum priming of the pump and its suction line. The instrumentation mounted on the balloon allows to control the whole system.

Priming pump system working with chemical products.

puceSampling under vacuum

This device, using air or nitrogen as a working fluid, allows to collect a sample of a product being developed within a chemical reactor under vacuum.

puceTransfer / Evacuation

In the following configuration, the tank contents may either be evacuated to a drainage ditch or into a tank located at a higher altitude.

ejector transfer or evacuation

puceTransfer (Siphon)

The ejector may also be used to create a vacuum depression in the transfer circuit and thus initiate a siphon. The vacuum production occurs only during the boot of the siphon.

ejector siphon transfer


The dilution of powder in a liquid engine can be achieved using an ejector.

Example of transfer

puceExamples of others applications

Ship building:
  • Purges de of bilges of ships.
  • Purges of boats' sanitary.
  • Ejectors of steam - recovery of the air and water vapor when released
  • Ejectors with very low compression ratio for recovering harmful gases in industry.
More generally:
  • Due to their robustness and ease of use ejectors offer multiple application possibilities. Feel free to contact us.